Donor FAQs
You have questions, we have answers! If you don’t see the information you’re looking for addressed here, please reach out to our team using the form at the bottom of this page, we are happy to answer any questions you may have about joining our Donor Community.
General Donation FAQs:
How does my donation help?
Michigan Blood Collection collects blood donations that are to be used by researchers for a wide range of scientific projects and applications. We do not collect any donations for use in vivo (in a living person or animal), meaning your donation will not be used for direct medical procedures like blood transfusions.
What information will I need to provide to Michigan Blood Collection?
Prior to your donation, we will review the Donor Consent Form all donors must sign prior to collection and the Medical Records Release Form required for disease state collections. We strongly recommend you review these documents prior to your appointment, and we are available at any time to answer any questions you may have.
- Download and Review the Donor Consent Form (Normal)
- Download and Review the Donor Consent Form (Disease-State)
- Download and Review the Medical Records Release Form (Disease-State)
How do I sign up?
If you would like to become a donor, you can use the “Schedule an Appointment” form on our website to start this process. Simply indicate that you are a new donor when prompted.
When our team receives this request, our Donor Coordinator will reach out to you directly within 48 hours for a pre-screening phone call. This call will go over the donation process to make sure you know what to expect, answer any questions you may have, get you set up in the system and ensure your eligibility. We can even finalize your appointment!
Will my personal information be kept confidential?
Information that identifies you will be kept secure and restricted. Michigan Blood Collection uses appropriate systems to protect your identity. If information from research done with your sample is published or presented at scientific meetings, your name and other identifiers will not be used. Michigan Blood Collection limits the number of individual, designated administrators allowed to access “Donor Information” which is kept separate from “Sample Information” within the system. Only if mandated by law, Michigan Blood Collection will comply with providing your personal information.
Normal Sample Donation FAQs:
Where do I donate?
Because we must have proper collection chairs and an observation table all normal collections are done “in office” to ensure proper adherence to collection guidelines. This may be done in Michigan Blood Collection offices or at another collection event more convenient to you.
How long does it take to donate?
A full unit is collected with normal draws which means the collection time from start to finish can take up to 15 minutes. Please note we do request you remain at the observation table for about 10 minutes after to ensure no adverse effects to the draw where you can enjoy a light snack.
How much blood do you draw per collection?
A unit of blood is typically no less than 300-400mL. it might be slightly more depending on how hydrated the donor is and how quickly the unit fills.
How frequently can I donate?
You are able to donate every 12 weeks.
Are there any costs or payments for working with Michigan Blood Collection?
As a thank you for your time, you will be sent a $50 gift card. You will not be charged for the blood sample. There are no costs to you for participation.
Disease-State Donation FAQs:
Where do I donate? Can I donate from home?
We understand that in many cases, our donors may be dealing with different medical conditions that have their own set of discomforts and limitations. Michigan Blood Collection is set up to come to you! When you schedule an appointment, our Donor Coordinator will help you set up your donation for a date, time, and location that is easy and convenient for you. Our donors frequently choose to donate from the comfort of their own home!
How long does it take to donate?
The donation process is just like having standard labs done as part of your annual physical. The phlebotomist will collect around 40mL of blood into small tubes, and this process takes around five minutes to complete.
How much blood do you draw per collection?
Donating blood with Michigan Blood Collection is just like a blood draw at your doctor’s office. We draw around 40mL of blood into the small tubes you may already be familiar with.
This is not a blood donation like those that happen at a blood drive. Traditionally “Giving Blood” requires a large amount of blood at a time (300-400mL), and the blood is drawn into a larger pack. This is not the type of collection that Michigan Blood Collection does.
How frequently can I donate?
Because we only process a small sample size at a time, it is safe to donate more frequently than with more traditional blood donations. In accordance with IRB guidelines, you may donate one sample every 8 weeks.
Are there any costs or payments for working with Michigan Blood Collection?
As a thank you for your time, you will be sent a $25 gift card. You will not be charged for the blood sample. There are no costs to you for participation.
What information will I need to provide to Michigan Blood Collection?
Prior to your donation, we will review the Donor Consent Form and Medical Records Release Form with you. We strongly recommend that you review these documents prior to your appointment, and we are available at any time to answer any questions you may have.
Why do you need my Medical Records?
Diseases and the treatments given to address them get complicated. Because we are providing samples to researchers who may need specific information regarding disease progression and treatment provided, we tie the specifics of your care to your sample, not your name. This allows the researcher to have confidence the sample selected will meet the needs of the study.